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KEDCO人才 & 创业 Stories: Breaking through barriers to innovation in our local entrepreneurial community  


6月, Kosciusko Economic Development Corporation (KEDCO)NEXT Studios (NEXT) announced a partnership to launch a Medical Technology (医学技术) Accelerator Program unique to 科修斯科山县. The program is now underway, KEDCO 和 NEXT are seeking participation.

How can KEDCO 和 NEXT help your company? Here’s insight on what the program is, how it can strengthen the local entrepreneurial 和 business community.

“The goal is to develop a pipeline of startup companies to complement 和 advance existing product development 和 manufacturing capabilities here in Warsaw, 世界骨科之都®,KEDCO首席执行官Alan Tio说. “It’s a way to be proactive 和 not only continue leading as the Ortho Capital, but to further strengthen the industry 和 entrepreneurial community.”


It’s a business 加速器 program geared toward companies in the 医学技术 space. 由NEXT领导的加速器项目, includes a series of experiences distilled from the startup economy, 包括精益画布模型, tools 和 practices to help startup 和 established companies break through barriers to innovation, practicing human-centered design. KEDCO 和 NEXT are partnering with both entrepreneurs 和 intrapreneurs within companies to offer this program, utilize the rich resources already within reach in 科修斯科山县 to foster 和 facilitate medical innovation.

Why does 构建ing our entrepreneurial community matter?

根据研究 美国企业研究所布鲁金斯学会印第安纳州排名第47位th in America in the share of total employment in companies zero to five years old. And the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation also found that all new job roles are created by startup companies less than five years old, therefore a culture of innovation is vital to a community’s future.


The kick-off “Barriers to Innovation” workshop was held in 科修斯科山县 last week. This workshop helps participants underst和 the 10 common barriers to innovation, how these barriers affect companies 和 communities, the process for creating a more innovative culture. More Barriers to Innovation workshops will be held.

Discovery Week will take place October 18-20. This three-day workshop is designed to help startup companies propel innovation within their business. This event is free for companies to attend.

Find more details 和 how to apply to participate in the workshop at ad6is.basilinfracon.com/events

Is the 加速器 only for startup companies?

The program is customizable to best suit a company’s needs, meaning workshops are held in group settings with leaders from multiple companies, or workshops can be held on-site at the company location for team members. 本地医疗科技创业公司, GemViz is participating in the MedTech Accelerator as a team, rather than a group setting which has allowed them to 构建 a timeline that best aligns with the company’s needs 和 goals.

What are participants saying about the program?

“This program has allowed us to quickly identify additional opportunities 和 solutions which will save us time 和 resources in the long run,GemViz首席执行官Mike Cusick说.

Judy DeLury LevelUp药物 who participated in the Barriers to Innovation workshop said, “This 加速器 allows startups to determine their viability early on, 而且成本更低. It’s an opportunity to ‘fail forward’ 和 improve your product, it’s a place to meet like-minded people in the start-up arena.”


“The resources in 科修斯科山县 are unique to the region. Every community should celebrate 和 focus on its remarkable assets, medical technology has fertile ground here,约翰·麦克唐纳说。, Managing Entrepreneur with NEXT Studios. “We are excited for the possibilities 和 thrilled to help facilitate successful entrepreneurs.”

To learn more about KEDCO 和 how the organization is making an impact in 科修斯科山县 visit ad6is.basilinfracon.com,并与KEDCO保持联系 脸谱网, InstagramLinkedin @basilinfracon.com. 了解更多关于NEXT工作室的信息  www.nextstudios.org,并与NEXT连接 脸谱网, Instagram, Linkedin推特. Hear stories from local entrepreneurs 和 residents alike about what it’s like to live life fully in K-County by checking out the 显然是Kosciusko的播客,由KEDCO供电.